Candidate Services : Learn more about Manufacturing Personnel Inc.


Because of our industry-specific focus, expertise, and connections, we can offer you highly desirable positions you might not otherwise know about.

We don't just place you in a position and walk away. We take the time to get to know you and your goals, find positions that match those goals, and help you prepare so you can get the jobs you want.


Tailored Candidate Services...
MPI is employed by our clients to help them make the right hires. If you have the potential for a position we are recruiting for, we bring a raft of recruiting and placement services and advice to help you make the best of the opportunity. And best of all our advice and expertise are free.

Specific services we provide to the candidates we work with include:

Resume advice. How to position yourself, emphasize your achievements and make the most of your talents.
Interview coaching. Specific advice on how to prepare for your interview and detailed feedback once the interview is over. It is surprising how many top candidates interview below their potential
Relocation assistance and advice. This can also include helping you through the resignation process.
Briefings. In-depth preparation for all meetings with the hiring company, including salary negotiation.


Network Affiliates...
We are a member of a large national recruiting network. We have developed close working relationships with a number of firms in this network that specialize in similar areas. This allows us to tell you about more positions that are currently available in the employment market. We will put you in touch with our affiliate firms on a one-on-one basis if they have a position that would be of interest to you.

Your resume is submitted to our affiliates with your approval only.

We can submit to all our affiliates or on a position-by-position basis, whichever you feel will be the best for your particular search. In this way, you can contact one firm to handle your current career search and assist you to find the opportunity that will fulfill your needs while providing our client companies with the employee that will help them grow and prosper.


Manufacturing Personnel Inc. (630) 790-4611

MPI offers Contract and Permanent Placements based on your company needs. As your business partner, we strive to present only qualified candidates, according to your job specifications, in order for you to utilize your time more efficiently.

Because we come from manufacturing environments ourselves, we understand manufacturing and will continue to keep abreast of the latest technologies and trends. Our understanding of your technology enables us to find, qualify and pre-screen our Candidates faster and more efficiently than our competition.

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